妈妈好孕网 > 养生频道 > 保健 > 维生素K大揭秘!这些食物含量高,让你不再缺少!







1. 绿叶蔬菜:包括菠菜、油菜、花椰菜等,这些蔬菜中含有丰富的叶绿素,是优质的维生素K来源。

2. 橄榄油:橄榄油不仅富含单不饱和脂肪酸,还含有大量的维生素K。

3. 葵花籽:葵花籽是一种营养丰富的坚果类食品,在其中也能找到较高水平的维生素K。

4. 高钙食物:牛奶、奶酪和乳制品富含钙,而钙与维生素K之间存在着协同作用。

5. 肝脏:动物肝脏是一种维生素K含量较高的食物,尤其是鸭肝和牛肝。




1. 多样化膳食:合理搭配各类富含维生素K的食材,并多样化地进食可以确保充足的摄入。

2. 烹调技巧:一些烹调技巧可以帮助提高蔬菜中的可溶性叶绿醇释放率,例如将油脂与绿叶蔬菜一同食用。

3. 补充剂:如果饮食中无法满足维生素K的需求,可以考虑适量补充维生素K的营养补充剂。


1. 骨质疏松患者:维生素K与钙有协同作用,对于骨质疏松患者来说,适量摄入维生素K有助于促进骨密度增加。

2. 抗凝药物使用者:抗凝药物如华法林会影响体内对维生素K的利用和吸收,因此使用这类药物的人需要特别关注摄入足够的维生素K。

3. 营养不良人群:由于营养不良可能导致吸收障碍或代谢异常,这些人群更容易出现缺乏维生素K。


Vitamins K plays a crucial role in maintaining our health, especially in blood clotting, bone health, and cardiovascular function. It can be found in various foods, such as leafy greens, olive oil, sunflower seeds, high-calcium foods, and liver. There are two main types of vitamin K: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. While both are beneficial to our health, they differ slightly in absorption and utilization.

To ensure an adequate intake of vitamin K:

  1. Diversify your diet by incorporating a variety of foods rich in vitamin K.
  2. Utilize cooking techniques that enhance the release of soluble phylloquinone from vegetables.
  3. Consider taking supplements if your diet cannot meet the required amount of vitamin K.

Inpiduals who may need to pay extra attention to their intake of vitamin K include:

  • Those with osteoporosis: Adequate intake of vitamin K can promote increased bone density for inpiduals with osteoporosis.
  • Users of anticoagulant drugs: Anticoagulants like warfarin can affect the utilization and absorption of vitamin K; therefore, users should ensure sufficient intake.
  • Inpiduals with malnutrition: Malnutrition may lead to absorption disorders or metabolic abnormalities that increase the risk of a deficiency in Vitamin K.

In conclusion,Vitamin-K-rich foods play a vital role in maintaining our overall health. By incorporating these foods into our diets or considering supplementation when necessary, we can ensure an adequate intake for optimal well-being.

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