妈妈好孕网 > 养生频道 > 保健 > 孕妇缺维生素D3?这个方法让你补充得心应手!






  1. 日晒不足:维生素D3可以通过皮肤暴露在阳光下合成,但现代人往往室内活动较多,接触阳光的时间有限。
  2. 饮食不均衡:许多食物中含有少量的维生素D,如鱼类、蛋黄和奶制品等。然而,由于饮食结构不合理或偏好特定食物,导致摄入量不足。
  3. 肌肤色素沉淀:黑色皮肤中的黑色素会阻碍皮肤对紫外线B波长(UVB)的吸收和转化为活性形式的维生素D。


Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can lead to a variety of health problems for both the mother and the baby. Some potential issues include:

  • Poor bone health: Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption, which is crucial for the development of strong bones and teeth in both the mother and the baby.
  • Gestational diabetes: Studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes.
  • Preeclampsia: Vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with an increased risk of developing preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy.
  • Compromised immune function: Adequate levels of vitamin D are necessary for a healthy immune system. Deficiency may increase the risk of infections for both the mother and the baby.


1. 阳光暴露:每天在早晨或傍晚阳光较为温和的时候,暴露皮肤15-30分钟。确保面部、手臂和腿部都能接触到阳光。

2. 饮食调整:增加富含维生素D的食物摄入量,如鱼类(比如鳕鱼、三文鱼)、蛋黄、奶制品和谷类产品等。

3. 维生素D补充剂:如果无法通过日晒和饮食满足需求,可以考虑服用维生素D补充剂。建议在医生或营养师的指导下使用。


1. 咨询医生:在开始任何补充计划之前,最好先咨询医生或营养师。他们可以评估您的个人情况,并为您提供正确的剂量建议。

2. 不要过量:虽然维生素D对健康至关重要,但过量摄入也可能有负面影响。遵循专业人士给出的建议剂量,不要自行增加剂量。

3. 定期检查:定期进行血液检查以监测维生素D水平。这样可以确保您正在正确地补充和吸收足够的维生素D。


Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby. To ensure adequate levels of vitamin D, it is important to incorporate sunlight exposure, adjust your diet to include vitamin D-rich foods, and consider supplementation if necessary.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian who can provide personalized advice based on your inpidual needs.

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